Tag: narcissism

You Might Be a Narcissist If…

Egocentric or Egoistic Person Concept

A narcissist is defined as “a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.” Given their self-obsession, it seems obvious that narcissists would be more likely to overuse first-person pronouns like “I,” “me,” “my,” and “mine.” We might especially think this is true on social media, where everyone has a platform to… Read more »

Self-Deception and Leadership


*This post was authored by Robert Hogan & Ryne Sherman. There is a fascinating connection between two seemingly unrelated topics: self-deception and leadership. The two themes often come together in the lives of prominent politicians, for example, in the career of Barack Obama. Let us explain. We are both fascinated by the idea that people… Read more »

Narcissism and the Rise of the Selfie

As social media use has grown, digital narcissism has developed. Welcome to the golden age of narcissism, a world of endless ostentation opportunities and unlimited bragging possibilities. Showing-off has never been easier and, ironically, more celebrated. Whether online or in the workplace, narcissistic individuals are much more likely to portray a desirable, albeit unrealistic, self-image,… Read more »

Selfie sticks should be banned for massaging our self-obsession

It is just over 100 years since Sigmund Freud’s polemical claim that narcissism is not only a normal, but also an ubiquitous, personality trait. “Loving oneself,” he argued, is the “libidinal complement to the egoism of the instinct of self-preservation”. In other words, we have evolved as selfish animals because our self-love is part of… Read more »

Hubris v. Humility: Which side do you pick?

  We’ve talked about the good aspects of being a narcissist, especially when climbing the corporate ladder, but what about humility? When placed side-by-side, the two qualities bring to mind arch nemeses – hubris, the ever-charming yet self-absorbed compatriot, and humility, the soft-spoken, humble negotiator.

Narcissism: A truth universally acknowledged…by all but one

  With a college background in literature, I tend to relate ideas and concepts to narrative forms deriving anywhere from the classics to contemporary rom-coms (I don’t discriminate). So, when I see narcissism trending in the news, I inevitably search my story database for an exaggerated narcissistic character for comparison. And who should pop into… Read more »