Making Good Decisions
One of Hogan’s three cognitive assessments, the Hogan Judgment Model represents a new and comprehensive approach to assessing judgment and decision-making styles. Unlike previous approaches, our model includes a critical component most models miss: how a leader reacts to feedback about his or her failed decisions. This means the decision-making process does not finish once a decision has been made – it is only completed after the leader evaluates the outcome, especially when the goal was not achieved. The underlying rationale is that to improve one’s judgment, one needs to learn from experience and receive negative feedback about one’s performance.
The goal of this model is not to categorize individuals as good or bad decision-makers because such categorizations hold no value for professional development. Everyone makes some good and some bad decisions. Instead, the goal of the model and accompanying report is to equip individuals with a greater understanding of their strengths and challenges in the pre- and post-decision processes, how well their typical decision-making tendencies fit specific roles and job requirements, and how to overcome specific biases that may impair judgment.