2014 Q2 Article Review

Here’s the rundown of useful articles from the second quarter of 2014.

Arthur et al. found that personality scores were unaffected when individuals completed instruments on tablets or phones. Cognitive ability scores, however, were typically lower when completed on mobile devices.

In contrast, Morelli et al. found that scores were similar for mobile versus PC users on both a cognitive ability test and two biodata instruments, but were lower for mobile users on a situational judgment test.

Bakker et al. argue that, although often considered opposite ends of the same dimension, burnout may have more impact on individual heath, while engagement has more impact on job performance.

Dragoni et al. show that global work experiences, especially those involving work in culturally diverse countries, may help develop a leader’s strategic thinking skills.

Hoch and Kozlowski found that shared team leadership predicts performance for all types of teams, but is especially important for virtual teams. In contrast, traditional hierarchical leadership can actually detract from virtual team performance.

Iliescu et al. demonstrate that a lack of vocational fit predicts counter productivework behaviors, even above and beyond more established personality-based predictors.

Ispas et al. found that impression management had incremental validity over cognitive ability when predicting earned revenue in sales jobs.

Within an LMX framework, Vidyarthi et al. presented evidence for the detrimental effects of reporting to two leaders who aren’t on the same page.

Winograd et al. found that drinking alcohol increases extraversion and openness, but decreases agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability. Emotional stability and conscientiousness are most strongly related to negative outcomes.