2015 Q1 Article Review

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The Hogan Research Department is continually on the lookout for interesting and useful articles. Below is a rundown from Q1.

Kong et al. found that team member satisfaction predicted team performance when average agreeableness was low, but the two were unrelated when average agreeableness was high.

Although Cheung & Lun found that various attempts to consciously regulate one’s emotions at work might decrease job satisfaction, Hulsheger et al. found that many of those same strategies can increase customer satisfaction.

Along those same lines, Joseph et al. found that the predictive validity of EI is largely due to overlap with other measures, such as FFM personality.

And last up in relation to EI, Lerner et al. provide a thorough review of research examining the impact of emotions on decision making.

Owens et al. show that leader narcissism can have positive effects on follower ratings and behaviors when also counterbalanced by humility

Morris et al. explores when expert judgment in interpreting assessment results can improve prediction beyond just relying on empirical scores.

Munyon et al. examine the impact of political skills on a variety of individual and work-related outcomes.

As many journals push for more elaboration around methods, here are two useful new references: Bernerth & Aguinis outline best practices for using control variables and Bosco et al. provide benchmarks for correlation coefficients.

Rojon et al. highlight the importance of examining specific performance areas in criterion-related validity studies rather than just focusing on overall performance.

Pohler & Schmidt show that manager bonuses may strain relationships with employees if not offset by incentives for treating employees well.

Boyce et al. found that prolonged periods of unemployment can influence how a person responds on a FFM assessment.

Hamby & Ickes found that short simple personality items result in higher scale reliability than longer, more complex items.

Oc et al. offers interesting insight into how direct feedback from subordinates may help shape leader behaviors.