A Week in Vibrant Tokyo, Japan

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A photo of a street in Tokyo, Japan, taken at night. The street is crowded with people's silhouettes and illuminated with numerous neon lights. The photo accompanies a blog post about Hogan's recent trip to Tokyo to present at public events and visit with distributors, Optimal and Persol.

Last week, Hogan Assessments had a productive and busy visit to Tokyo, working alongside Optimal Consulting Group and Persol Research and Consulting Co. Ltd., our long-standing distributors for Hogan in Japan. It had been three years since our last in-person visit, and this trip was filled successfully with client and public thought leadership events, as well as business development meetings.

Our founder and president, Robert Hogan, PhD, spoke on “Rethinking Leadership,” Wendy Howell Hogan shared “Why Leadership Development Is Broken and How to Fix It,” and Zsolt Feher and Krista Pederson spoke on “Judgment,” “Global HR Trends,” and “Coaching the Dark Side with Japanese Characteristics.” Anne-Marie Paiement, PhD, supported and shared research on trends in Japanese leaders’ personalities, which clients found relevant to further implementing Hogan in their practices. These topics sparked plenty of questions and interactions with attendees, demonstrating Hogan’s expertise in cross-cultural leadership selection and development.

Tokyo is famous for its incredible food scene, and we took this wonderful opportunity to spend quality time and connect further with our trusted distributors. True to Hogan’s fun-loving culture, we had some wonderful sushi and modern French cuisine to recognize and acknowledge everyone’s hard work.

We look forward to continued collaboration and growth in Japan. Arigato gozaimasu for everyone’s efforts in making this trip a success!