Authentic Talent Consulting Hosts HR Conference in Paris

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Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 12.07.32 PMHogan distributor, Authentic Talent Consulting, hosted a conference titled “Recruiting Leaders: Why do we make bad hires?” on October 15 at The Opera Patio in Paris featuring Dr. Robert Hogan. Speaking to an audience of 60 leading HR professionals, Dr. Hogan’s talk focused on the importance of humility in leadership.

In his presentation, Dr. Hogan pointed out that the reasons organizations have traditionally promoted charismatic individuals into leadership roles is because there has been a false vision of leadership since the 1970s. We have lived in a culture where charisma is the desired quality when it comes to leadership. However, what organizations fail to understand is the difference between leadership emergence and leadership effectiveness. Although charismatic employees tend to emerge as leaders in their organizations, new studies show that humble individuals are much more effective, which results in stronger employee engagement and organizational performance.

Prior to Dr. Hogan’s presentation, Chloë Touati, co-founder of Authentic Talent Consulting, spoke to the audience about how organizations make mistakes in hiring and identifying leaders because they focus too much on competencies and not enough on values. She outlined three primary ways companies can find the right match between a candidate’s values and their own:

  • Organizations need to develop a strong understanding of their values and be honest about them with candidates. Just because a company has its values listed on its website or office walls doesn’t mean it’s the truth. Organizations need to truly know their values and be open and authentic when communicating with candidates.
  • Companies all over the world use personality assessments to predict performance, but it’s also important to use assessments that measure values.
  • Organizations should stop recruiting people who are all alike. Instead, they should hire people with the values that match the desired organizational culture.

Also speaking at the event were two clients of Authentic Talent Consulting. Their session focused on how they use Hogan’s assessments for leadership development and identifying leaders who are a good cultural fit for their organizations. They also spoke to the audience about the importance of derailers and how they can negatively impact organizational and team performance.

Overall, the event was a huge success, and those in attendance got an in-depth look at how using Hogan the right way can have a significant impact on organizations all over the world. Here’s a video recap of the event: