Follow Hogan Assessments on WeChat!

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Hogan Assessments is proud to introduce the official Hogan WeChat account. Used by most companies with a footprint in the China market, WeChat is a multipurpose app developed by Tencent with more than one billion active users who span the globe.

Hogan’s WeChat account will feature unique articles, written in Simplified Chinese, about Hogan and personality assessments with the goal of educating the China market and Chinese audiences about the Hogan’s talent management solutions.

In addition, Hogan will also use the WeChat account to support China-based distributors — including Optimal Consulting, Mobley Group Pacific, Empower Leaders, Edge Consulting, and Infelligent — by linking to their WeChat accounts, publishing their contact information and certification workshop dates, and by republishing and linking to their unique Hogan-focused articles.

Hogan is committed to supporting distributors in the Asia-Pacific markets and will continue to provide education about Hogan and personality assessments across the region.

To follow the Hogan WeChat account, please scan the QR code in this post or add the Hogan WeChat ID: HoganAssessments.