Hogan Hosts Virtual Summit for Distributors

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Hogan Hosts Virtual Summit for Distributors

Hogan hosted 42 distributors for a virtual summit on December 3, 2020. Over three sessions, Hogan highlighted the unique projects and perspectives of nine of these distributors, and several distributors demonstrated how they used specific Hogan products to meet an organizational need.

Mobley Group Pacific (MGP; distributor in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) used Hogan’s Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI), along with qualitative data, to help a client organization better describe its organizational culture. MGP’s research helped the client select leaders aligned with organizational culture, leading to reduced turnover.  

Optimal Consulting Group (distributor in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore) layers business intelligence gleaned from the Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) on top of personality data to help organizations identify how a candidate’s personality can affect job skills. Optimal shared several case studies featuring organizations that found their ideal mix of thinker types for effective job performance using the HBRI and personality assessment. The presentation demonstrated how the HBRI can be used as a gateway to show clients the importance of using multiple data points for maximal predictive power.

A&D Resources (distributor in Benelux and the Nordics) uses the Hogan High Potential report and model to help client organizations identify high-potential talent opportunities throughout the employee lifecycle. A&D acts as an advisor to clients, providing solid advice for understanding the difference between emergent and effective leaders and for developing employees without the interference of politics.

HR Tools (distributor in Mexico) recently collaborated with a mining company, the world leader in silver production. The company was challenged with a highly traditional culture, so HR Tools created a profile with several critical competencies related to high-potential leadership. They found evidence that the recommended high-potential profile predicts performance and potential for the client. These results provide support for using the Hogan High Potential report to identify and select high-potential future leaders at the company.

Authentic Talent Consulting (distributor in France) highlighted the benefits of a tight-knit distributor network when it comes to competing for international projects. Authentic Talent shared a success story in which they won and successfully delivered an international assessment project by collaborating with distributors in Germany, Italy, and Spain to provide individual coaching sessions and administrative support in the local languages.

Another way that Hogan’s distributors are building and maintaining their networks is by supporting certified users. Threefish Consulting (distributor in India) is building a Hogan ecosystem within the India market. Starting with certification workshop participants, Threefish focuses on engaging users from the time they graduate by holding informational support sessions, providing opportunities to practice Hogan skills, and providing special one-on-one support sessions for users needing additional help. Threefish also holds weekly Hogan events, master classes, and other virtual sessions to build a strong and knowledgeable Hogan community in India.  

Peter Berry Consultancy (PBC; distributor in Australia) has been working since 2003 to develop a growth strategy by using diagnostics to identify lucrative clients and opportunities. PBC emphasizes building momentum starting with certification workshops and empowering users to order and use the assessments.

Although Baltas Grubu (distributor in Turkey) did not use the Hogan certification workshop to engage a prominent Turkish conglomerate, Baltas pursued the company for six years before getting the opportunity to work with the organization on its selection process. For the past nine years, this conglomerate has been Baltas Grubu’s biggest client and advocate. Baltas shared the experience of working continuously to strengthen the relationship and detailed the additional support that won over leaders who questioned the need for personality assessment. The presentation even included a quick video from the client’s HR director, praising Baltas and the Hogan tools.

JvR Psychometrics (distributor in South Africa) is a diverse assessment tool provider, supporting clients with different levels of scientific research solutions. Everything from test validation to data analytics to qualitative research options could prove to be valuable sales opportunities for other distributors as well. JvR recommends pitching research as an option for clients and partnering with other firms to add value to long-standing client relationships.

Hogan appreciates everyone’s participation and willingness to share their expertise. We look forward to what 2021 will bring for our distributor network!