Hogan to Present at SIOP

Reading Time: 6 minutes


I-O experts from Hogan’s Research and Consulting divisions will showcase advances in personality research during an impressive 21 sessions, symposia, panel discussions, practice forums, and poster sessions at the 30th Annual SIOP Conference in Philadelphia.


10:30am, Room 407-409
The Latest on Emotional Intelligence at Work: Happy 25th Anniversary!
This session will present the latest research on emotional intelligence (EI) in organizations. Issues concerning definitional and measurement aspects will also be discussed. Topics will include the implications of EI for work-related outcomes, the potential dark side of EI, the novel generation of instruments and future challenges of the field.
Michael Sanger

10:30am, Room 401-403                                                                                              
Conducting Assessments in the Digital Age                                                          

This session will discuss current issues in using technology to enable assessments, including mobile devices and online assessment centers. Furthermore, we will demonstrate the use of a candidate’s “digital footprint” as a potential assessment approach. We will also discuss the implications of these technologies for practice and future research.
Jennifer Lowe

12:00pm, Room 407-409                                                                                              
Boundaries Redrawn: Debunking Cultural Clusters with Local Assessment Data

Administering assessments globally raises important practical questions about consistency and fairness in evaluation models. This symposium will present within-region research findings from several global assessment firms including those pertaining to local leadership expectations and response tendencies. Corresponding implications for cultural clusters as they relate to organizational initiatives will be discussed.
Michael Sanger, Renee Yang

12:00pm, Grand J                                                                                            
Understanding the Work-Family Implications of Relationships with Leaders
Incorporating important theoretical perspectives on leadership, the four papers serve to recognize that the degree to which work-life supports are provided is a function of the quality of the leader-employee relationship. Based on strong methodological designs, the papers investigate interesting mechanisms through which the leader-employee relationship influences the work-family experiences.                                          
Heather Bolen

1:30pm, Franklin 08
Innovative Approaches to Talent Identification: Bridging Science and Practice in the Digital Age
New HR technologies are redefining the talent identification industry. From social media and big data analytics, to text and audiovisual algorithms and gamification, there is now a proliferation of novel assessment tools. This panel discusses the validity, utility, and ethical implications of these innovative approaches.
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

1:30pm, Room 401-403                                                                                              
Toward a New Narrative for the Leadership Gender Agenda                              

The media is abuzz about the underrepresentation of women in senior leadership. This session explores how popular notions like the female leadership advantage, confidence gaps, and leaning in, while well intended, may be misguided. Combining data and practice, we go beyond common stereotypes to reframe the problem and offer solutions.
Jackie VanBroekhoven Sahm

3:30pm, Franklin 10
Finding Value in 360-Feedback Rater Disagreements                                    
360-degree feedback has long been used by organizations. However, there is a lack of consensus on how to compile feedback from different sources. The goal of this symposium is to discuss rater disagreements from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, and demonstrate the value of understanding unique inputs from various sources.
Karen Fuhrmeister, Renee Yang

3:30pm, Grand D
Evaluating good decision making starts with making good decisions              
This session will include multiple viewpoints on how best to predict and improve employee decision making. Panelists will discuss existing research on evaluating characteristics that define good judgment, cognitive style and horsepower, and implications for employee selection and development. Experiences with implementing programs featuring corresponding assessments will also be discussed.
Michael Sanger, Darin Nei           

3:30pm, Grand K
Individual Differences and the Creative Process: Implications for Talent Identification
Creativity is often critical to organizational success. Previous researchers have often examined relationships between individual differences and creative outcomes, while discarding research indicating creativity is best viewed as a process rather than an outcome. In this symposium, we will illustrate how individual differences can predict individual and team creative processes.
Kimberly Nei, Darin Nei           


8:30am, Grand B
Data Cleansing Time! Insufficient Effort Responding in Concurrent Validation Studies
Due to motivational difference between incumbents and applicants, insufficient effort responding (IER; i.e., careless or random responding) is a concern in concurrent validation studies. This symposium presents emerging research on IER in concurrent validation data, covering both detection of IER and the potential impact of IER on validity inference.
Jeff Foster       

10:30am, Grand E                                                                                                
Beyond the hype: The dark side of employee engagement
This symposium includes four integrated presentations on some of the less explored aspects of employee engagement. It features an overview of engagement models, new research evaluating curvilinear effects of leadership styles on engagement, negative effects of engagement on entrepreneurship, and the common reasons for failed interventions to enhance engagement.                                                            
Robert Hogan, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

3:30pm, Grand J                                                                                                
Practical and Ethical Guidelines for Dealing with Messy Validation Data

Validation datasets are typically presented in less-than-ideal forms (i.e., messy), posing challenges to I-O professionals tasked with demonstrating the value of selection tools. This panel will discuss considerations for handling messy data, reflecting on their individual past experiences, as well as their approaches to analyzing the same messy dataset.
Dara Pickering

3:30pm, Room 305-306                                                                                         
Synthetic Validity: Further Evidence of its Accuracy and Application

Synthetic validation is a professionally accepted alternative validation method when traditional criterion-related validation is not possible. However, there remains resistance to using these non-traditional validation methods. This symposium provides new research on synthetic validity to show evidence of its accuracy compared to traditional methods and new examples of applications.
Darin Nei

5:00pm, Grand L
Using Scientific Research and Best Practices to Drive Competency-Based Solutions Many companies use competencies for performance management, but surprisingly, few I/O psychologists are involved in developing and managing these systems. With competencies, research is lagging behind business. This panel brings professionals together to explore how we can more effectively use scientific research and best practices to inform competency-based business solutions.
Blaine Gaddis, Stephen Nichols


8:00am, Franklin 08                                                                                                     
Practical Recommendations for Enhancing Leadership Coaching                              

Leadership development coaching is a widely used practice for increasing leader effectiveness within an organization. This symposium provides both research and a practitioner perspective regarding leadership coaching best practices. It presents recommendations from experienced coaches as well as qualitative data documenting suggestions for improving coaching sessions from coaching participants.
Heather Bolen, Karen Fuhrmeister, Kimberly Nei

11:30am, Franklin Hall                                                                                                     
Job Analytic Comparisons of Managerial and Leadership Competencies Across Industries
Using archival job analytic data, we examined the overlap in competencies required for effective managers and leaders across industries. Results suggest necessary behaviors are similar across industries and differences are likely present for all levels of employment. Therefore, we should work towards one competency model for managerial and leadership performance.
Kimberly Nei, Dara Pickering

12:00pm, Room 302-304
Intrapreneurship: Fostering Innovation in Big Organizations
There is an abundant literature on the psychology of entrepreneurship but little research on the antecedents and consequences of intrapreneurship, defined as work-related behaviors that promote change and innovation with large organizations. A diverse and experienced panel will share lessons learned and spark ideas for research and practice.
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Jackie VanBroekhoven Sahm

12:30pm, Franklin Hall                                                                                                     
The Factor Structure of Personality Derailers across Cultures                         

Despite the increasing popularity of dark-side (derailing) personality, there is little consensus over the structure of personality derailer constructs. The Five Factor Model (FFM) as the universal taxonomy of bright-side personality has shown equivalence across cultures. The present study examines the factor structure of personality derailers across cultures.
Jeff Foster, Renee Yang

12:30pm, Franklin Hall                                                                                                          
Is Incivility Selective? A Meta-Analytic Test of Selective Incivility Theory

This meta-analysis explores whether people in the protected groups of age, race, and sex experience different levels of incivility. Overall meta-analytic corrected correlations suggest that protected groups are not experiencing incivility at different rates; however, large credibility intervals suggest the presence of moderators. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.    
Amber Smittick

1:30pm, Franklin Hall
Nonlinear relationships of narrow personality and narrow leadership criterion constructs
Past research on the personality-performance link show inconsistent findings on the shape (linear vs. non-linear) of such relationships. We approach this research question by examining narrow personality and narrow criterion constructs that are theoretically and empirically related.
Renee Yang

1:30 PM, Grand G   
Blazing the Job Trail: How to IGNITE Your Career
Twelve early career and seasoned professionals will share their experiences and knowledge of the job market. Each presenter will address a phase of the job search process, ranging from applications and resumes to expectations of new hires. Following the 12 IGNITE speakers, the format shifts to an interactive panel discussion.
Amber Smittick

3:30pm, Franklin 10                                                                                                          
The healthcare challenge: Implementing talent initiatives in a data-driven industry

Demonstrating the value of I/O-related initiatives in an industry reliant on objective metrics can be difficult. In addition, skilled labor shortages and high turnover have impacted the ability to hire qualified individuals who provide quality care. We will discuss important considerations and unique challenges specific to the health care industry.
Dara Pickering, Audrey Wallace