I-O experts from Hogan’s Research and Consulting divisions will showcase advances in personality research during an impressive 21 sessions, symposia, panel discussions, practice forums, and poster sessions at the 31st Annual SIOP Conference in Anaheim, April 14-16.
Thursday, April 14
Digging Deeper into the Darkness: Advances in Dark Personality Research
Research on dark personality in organizations has primarily focused on outcomes. The present set of researchers move beyond basic relationships to explore the questions as to what dark personality is, why people engage in such behaviors, the processes underlying such behaviors, and whether or not they are always negative.
3:30pm, 207A
Know Your Tenant! Personality as a Predictor of Tenant Behavior
In this paper, we examined the relationship between tenant behaviors and The Big Five. Findings indicated a significant relationship between self-reported tenant behaviors and personality constructs. Specifically, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Emotional Stability showed significant relationships with multiple behavioral domains of tenant behavior.
4:30pm, Ballroom A-E
Friday, April 15
Assessments on the go: Designing and implementing mobile-friendly assessments
The influence of mobile devices in the assessment world making it important to understand the impact of these devices on test outcomes. This panel of scholars will discuss both the current state of designing and implementing mobile-friendly assessments as well as explore future implications of development, validation and usability.
9:00am, 303D
High-Potential Programs: Pitfalls, Precautions, and Pearls of Wisdom
Organizations have long recognized the need to identify and develop their top talent, but using assessments instead of politics to do so is a more recent development. This panel brings professionals together to explore best practices, pitfalls, precautions, and guidance for using scientifically proven assessments to drive HIPO programs.
10:30am, 303D
Feedback at Work: Bridging Science and Practice
Workplace feedback, the act of providing employees with information about their job-related potential or performance, is a common psychological intervention in talent management. The proposed panel will discuss the gap between the science and practice of feedback, and provide evidence-based recommendations for improving feedback interventions at work.
1:30pm, 303B
Job Analytic Comparisons of Managerial and Leadership Competencies
Using archival job analytic data, we compared the competencies required for effective managerial and leadership success. Results suggest that there is extensive overlap in the behaviors critical to both. However, leaders must be more strategic while managers handle the tactical operations to execute that strategy.
4:30pm, Ballroom A-E
How Well Does the Dark Triad Capture Dark Side Personality?
To understand relationships between Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and other dark side personality dimensions, we analyzed data from Dark Triad measures and the Hogan Development Survey. Our results suggest some overlap between scales across measures, but indicate that Dark Triad measures only assess part of the dark side personality construct space.
4:30pm, Ballroom A-E
Analytics with Assessment Data: Discovering Insights to Shape HR Strategy
Linking pre-employment assessment data to other HR programs can help ensure alignment of strategic objectives within the HR system and also discover new insights. This panel brings together internal and external consultants to discuss their experiences, insights gained, challenges, and advice on linking assessments to other HR practices.
5:00pm, 204C
Saturday, April 16
Assessment in the Digital Age: When Candidates Go Mobile
This session will discuss current issues in using mobile devices to conduct candidate assessments. We will discuss research examining demographic differences and other outcomes. We will also explore relationships between candidates’ social media usage and personality. Finally, we will explore mobile usage trends in emerging markets.
10:30am, 201D
IGNITE Your Career
Twelve early career and seasoned professionals will share their experiences and knowledge of topics important to early career I-O professionals. Each presenter will address a topic related to early career issues. The format will include 12 IGNITE speakers, interactive panel discussion, and a networking opportunity.
10:30am, 204C
Exploring the Psychometric Properties of Personality Derailment Scales
Despite an increasing interest in personality derailers, there remains little consensus over their structure and measurement. We seek to help fill this gap by presenting results from research efforts focused on measurement issues relating to personality derailers. Our focus is on the measurement and psychometric properties of derailment scales.
10:30am, 207D
Ensuring Enterprise Security: Three Diverse Approaches
This session features three distinct approaches to the topic of enterprise security and safety, considering different ways Industrial-Organizational Psychologists can contribute in this area. Topics include prediction of safety from individual and organizational perspectives, as well as developing the cyber security leadership talent pipeline.
1:30pm, 207D
Examining the Replicability of Trait-Trait Interactions in Local Validation Studies
This study examined the incremental predictive validity of trait-trait interaction terms beyond additive regression models using the Big Five personality traits for supervisor-rated job performance. Across 141 criterion validity studies including 14,744 participants, none of the 10 trait-trait interaction terms provided substantial incremental prediction of performance.
2:00pm, Ballroom A-E