ICF Germany, RELEVANT Managementberatung to Present Second German Prism Award

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Untitled-1Time is running out to register for ICF Deutschland’s Coaching Day 2019 and also to register for the second German Prism Award, an annual award jointly sponsored by Hogan Assessments and RELEVANT Managementberatung. ICF Coaching Day will take place on November 15-16, with the German Prism Award Gala occurring from 7:00-9:00pm on Friday, November 15 in Munich.

The award, modeled after the ICF’s International Prism Award, is given to organizations with programs that make a difference in the coaching community through professionalism, quality and innovation. The nominees – all DAX 30 companies – represent a variety of industries, and each are tasked with providing insight into how their coaching programs contribute to the achievement of important corporate goals and advance the coaching profession.

“We are honored to be able to sponsor this prestigious award again this year,” says RELEVANT owner, Dr. René Kusch. “Last year’s event was a huge success, and we look forward to replicating that again this year with a stellar group of nominees.”

Last year’s inaugural German Prism Award was given to CMS Law Tax, an international law firm with 74 offices worldwide, for its Partner Peak Performance Program (PPP) that was designed for the organization’s leaders and “rainmakers.” Its cutting-edge coaching program and robust coaching culture is what set the company apart from the competition.

“CMS Law Tax really set the standard for future recipients of the German Prism Award,” says Kusch. “Their coaching program embodies the true spirt of the award, which is to advance the coaching profession and move German companies forward.”

Click here to purchase tickets and to learn more about the event.