An individual’s values and preferences hold important implications for vocational success, satisfaction, and person-organization fit. Recognizing this fact, Hogan was the first to assess motives and interests in an organizational context, launching the Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) in 1996. Two years later, we were the first test publisher to develop a web-based assessment platform. After we fully integrated the system to score MVPI results for personnel selection and employee development in 2001, our online platform became the most popular way to complete the MVPI. The assessment is available in over 40 languages worldwide and recently hit a new milestone. In September 2016 we administered the one millionth MVPI assessment on our core platform. Put another way, we’ve administered the MVPI using just this one platform to more people than the entire population of Dallas, Texas.
Looking Back
As the popularity of the Internet and the success of our online business grew, so did MVPI usage. In 2001 we used our platform to administer the MVPI about 550 times. By contrast, in 2015 that number was over 127,000. It took us over 6 years to administer the MVPI to 100,000 people, but since 2013 we’ve done at least that many each year and every year without exception the numbers have grown.
Looking Ahead
2016 usage to date (September 29, 2016) suggests we will continue to surpass marks set in previous years. At the current rate of growth, we should cross the 2 million mark sometime during the fall of 2020. Furthermore, with the advent of Hogan X and our ever-growing list of clients, partners, and global distributors, we plan to hit that number even sooner.
The Bottom Line
The MVPI remains a global leader in assessing core values and motives in normal working adults. Organizations recognize this fact as evidenced by continuous demand for the MVPI over the last 15 years despite national and international economic market conditions. More importantly, the demand for this assessment has only increased over that time, and existing data suggest that those trends will continue in the coming years. When global organizations want to hire people who fit with their organizational culture, develop talented employees, build great leaders, and impact the bottom line, they ask for the MVPI.