Tag: leadership development

Why Leadership Development Is Broken

Two people in business attire discuss the contents of a binder for a leadership development program.

Organizations are investing in leadership development programs, but the business impact and return on investment tend to be subpar. So what’s the problem? Why is leadership development broken, and how do we fix it?

Using 360-Degree Assessments with Personality for Leadership Development

A person wearing a gray suit with a red tie and white shirt leans against a table with arms crossed, smiling slightly at the camera. Behind the person is a wall with a grid of colored sticky notes. Two other people work on laptops at the table. The people are participating in a leadership development program using 360-degree assessments and personality assessments for leader development.

The best leadership development programs give leaders a snapshot of where they’re at now and a motion picture of where they need to develop in the future. Combining personality assessments with 360-degree assessments is the key to unlocking this panoramic perspective. Jayson Blair, a member of the Hogan Coaching Network, explains how.

Coaching in Context: A Tale of Two C-suite Execs


This is an insightful story about how the power of multiple datapoints come together in a lesson of complementary work styles. Be sure to tune in to our collaborative webinar on this topic on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, beginning at 12:00 p.m. ET.