Talent Quarterly publishes The Dark Side Issue

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talent-banner-1.jpgIt may be the secret of our of success or the root of all evil, but the dark side of our personality fundamentally shapes who we are as leaders. The latest issue of Talent Quarterly focuses on how this dark side can create brilliant success or tragic failure. The world-class lineup of authors in this issue describe how to understand and manage this challenging but powerful force. Take a look at some article exerpts or purchase the full publication.

“Reflections on the Dark Side” by Robert Hogan
Robert and Joyce Hogan coined the term “Dark Side of Personality” and in this article Robert describes the concept and its origins. He details the good news and bad news about the dark side, and tells us under what conditions people can change their personality and “lighten up” the dark.

“Crazy. Stupid. Mean: The Reason Leaders Behave Badly Matters” by Peter Harms
Harms tells us why we should consider the origin of a leader’s poor behaviors. He offers the very helpful framework of those behaviors stemming from unpredictable actions (Crazy), insufficient mental function (Stupid) or hostility (Mean). Harms illustrates those categories with references to popular movie characters and political figures.

“The Bright Side of the Dark; The Dark Side of the Bright” by Nassir Ghaemi
The Director of Tuft University’s Mood Disorders Program urges us to redefine what’s meant by normal by describing the productive behaviors found towards the fringes of traditional definitions. Ghaemi explains how mildly manic moods allow people to think quickly and perhaps more creatively than others, while mild depression supports a very realistic and practical view of the world.

“Dealing with the Dark Side” by Rob Kaiser
We can’t avoid the dark side of our co-workers, clients and ourselves, so psychologist Rob Kaiser provides practical strategies to deal with it. Kaiser uses the Hogan framework of “dark side” behaviors to show the strengths and weaknesses that each behavior brings, and discusses how to identify and correct when you’re likely to show those derailing behaviors.

“Leaders can be Lethal” by Michael Maccoby
From one of the world’s leading researchers on narcissism and poor leader behaviors, Leaders can be Lethal describes how our quest for, and trust in, leaders is often to our detriment. Maccoby presents historical examples including the bad (Napoleon, Hitler, etc.) and the good (Hewlett & Packard, William Mayo), and challenges us to consider whether today’s workforce will put up with leaders who offer protection at such a serious price.