We’ve enjoyed a lot of positive feedback lately regarding our Hogan Development Survey marketing campaign, which features a number of different animals that “personify” the 11 derailer scales measured by the assessment. These potentially-derailing characteristics aren’t necessarily bad (in fact, they can be very *good* depending on your line of work), so we developed a method of presenting them that makes the concept a bit more accessible, and actually injects some fun into the realm of “strategic self awareness.”
From the print ads associated with this campaign:
Every leader has personality traits that threaten his or her success. The Hogan Development Survey is the only business-related assessment that measures performance risks that impede work relationships, hinder productivity and limit overall career potential. The HDS provides valuable feedback for strategic self-awareness, which is the key to overcoming these tendencies and achieving success in the workplace.
We discuss the HDS in depth on our website, so be sure to read more about it and tell us… Which animal are you?