VIDEO: Dr. Hogan Discusses the Importance of Values

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VIDEO: Dr. Hogan Discusses the Importance of Values 

Values are the DNA of culture, and culture is incredibly stable over generations. That explains why parent-child voting preferences and religious preferences have correlated so strongly throughout human history. Values are what drive prejudice, and the clash of values is what has caused so much unrest and conflict across the globe.

Values are also directly related to organizational success and failure, and the culture of an organization is defined by the values of the people at the top. You can have the world’s most effective business strategy but, if your organizational values are not aligned, you’re doomed.

High-performing groups will have similar values and you have to determine exactly what they are. In this video, Dr. Hogan discusses the importance of values, and how organizations need to put less of an emphasis on descriptive values and focus more on prescriptive values.