WEBINAR: Talent Quarterly to Discuss Humble Leadership with Ryne Sherman

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At Hogan, we work with organizations every day to help them identify effective leaders using a data-driven approach leveraging the predictive power of our personality assessments. To ensure our services are the best in the business, we have spent decades studying successful and failed leaders.

Our data show that three psychological factors have a profound influence on leadership effectiveness: charisma, narcissism, and humility. Charismatic and narcissistic CEOs have plagued organizations for decades. However, their strong political skills and ability to stand out from the rest of the pack have helped them emerge as leaders within their organizations. On the other hand, humble leaders often go unnoticed, largely because they focus primarily on their teams and not drawing attention to themselves, but research shows they are more likely to be effective leaders.

Join Ryne Sherman, chief science officer of Hogan Assessments, for a webinar hosted by Talent Quarterly 10 am EST on Monday, February 14 as he discusses these three leadership qualities and why “The Charismatic CEO is Dead.” Register here!