What’s Included
Based on decades of research on work culture and worker personality, Hogan’s Safety report refines safety training for existing employees and sounds the alarm on safety-related gaps within organizations. Using this solution, managers can see exactly how their employees measure up on six safety-related personality competencies to inform training and development plans and help employees cultivate strategic self-awareness.
Prevent Accidents with Personality
When negligence on the job can lead to injury (or even death), safety is key to organizational success. But don’t count on safety training programs for accident prevention — research has shown them to be inadequate. Accidents are caused by human error, so developing a culture of safety in the workplace necessitates a look at employee personality.
Make Decisions with Evidence
Let decades’ worth of personality research be an objective foundation for talent decisions
Improve Performance
Give employees the developmental insight they need to succeed
Reduce Turnover
Identify your strongest performers and motivate them to grow into tenured employees