3rd Annual Certification Workshop in Minneapolis

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Hogan_Certified_Logo_150-1Hogan will host its 3rd Annual Certification Workshop in Minneapolis on March 18-19 from 8-5pm Wednesday and 8-3pm Thursday at MDA Leadership Consulting at 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300.

“We’ve seen a tremendous amount of growth in the Minneapolis area, and we expect that to continue as we get more people certified,” Hogan’s Twin Cities General Manager Scott Gregory said. “We at Hogan are committed to this region, and we look forward to strengthening that commitment as we continue to expand.”

The two-day workshop provides an in-depth understanding of how to use and interpret the Hogan Assessment Suite, offering a comprehensive tutorial on three Hogan inventories – Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI); Hogan Development Survey (HDS); and the Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI).

Participants who attend both days and successfully complete the workshop will be certified to use the Hogan inventories, and will learn best practices concerning assessment use and interpretation.

The cost of the event is $2,300 per participant, which includes all materials, breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. For more information, visit hoganassessments.com.