Hogan Publishes Coaching the Hogan Way

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The cover and a partial view of the back of Hogan's new book are displayed against a plum and white backdrop with rainbow stripes. The book describes the Hogan coaching protocol for executive development and leadership development solutions.

Leadership development is broken in seven specific ways. Hogan’s newest book, Coaching the Hogan Way: The Solution to Broken Leadership Development, explains how Hogan coaching can fix it.

Shortfalls of leadership development programs include overlooking the importance of context, ignoring the psychology of behavioral change, and using the wrong definition of leadership in the first place. Ouch! But the Hogan protocol addresses each shortfall with data-driven personality insights and a coaching approach designed for leadership development solutions.

Leadership development experts Trish Kellett, MBA, director of the Hogan Coaching Network, and Jackie Sahm, MS, vice president of integrated solutions, designed this coaching guide to help Hogan assessment users develop clients effectively and astound organizations with results. The book includes a foreword from Robert Hogan, PhD, founder and president, explaining how the Hogan coaching approach differs from that of traditional leadership development.

“Many high-level executives have had other coaching experiences,” said Sahm. “They’ve been poked and prodded and assessed in many ways. But when they take Hogan’s assessments and have a capable coach, they understand this is not your run-of-the-mill executive coaching. How they understand themselves transforms. Then, if they’re willing to do a little bit of work, they can transform their relationships with other people.”

Coaching the Hogan Way covers everything coaches need to help leaders gain strategic self-awareness and implement behavioral change. Part one focuses on the seven leadership development shortfalls and provides a solution for each one. Part two covers the stages of the Hogan coaching protocol. To illustrate these, it includes a narrative executive case study with sample notes and questions for reference. “This is very much a how-to book. If you’re presented with a coaching case, you follow our protocol and—like magic—you will turbocharge your coaching initiative and be successful,” said Kellett.

Using this guide, Hogan-certified professionals can apply Hogan’s assessment-driven approach to solve what is broken in leadership development. Kellett emphasized that an initial assessment is crucial for effective development. “The development plan that’s part of our protocol focuses on specific, measurable results that enhance the leader’s individual effectiveness, their team’s performance, and more broadly, business results,” she said.

Coaching the Hogan Way demonstrates how to implement the protocol using personality assessments for successful outcomes. Grounded in executive leadership assessment data, the five phases of the coaching protocol empower leaders to implement meaningful, lasting behavioral change.

Order your copy today. Email the authors with questions or comments at pr@hoganassessments.com.