Distributor Spotlight: Stairs People Advisors Ready to Make an Impact in Portugal

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hogan Assessments’ International Distributor Network wasn’t built overnight. It took several years to grow to its current size and scope. However, the excitement generated by adding new distributors has always been at optimum levels whether it occurs in 2001 or 2017.

Earlier this year, Hogan proudly added Stairs People Advisors, one of Portugal’s leading HR consulting firms. Led by their Managing Partner João Ribeiro Santos and his talented team of advisors, Stairs offers its clients tailored development programs, adaptive recruitment & selection processes, high-potential identification initiatives, and resources for strategic reorganization.

Because they offer such a unique perspective, we decided to get an update from João and how the future of his organization looks now that he and his team have joined the Hogan International Distributor Network.

Stairs People Advisors, completed six months as Portugal’s Hogan Distributor and would like to share its first months of activity.

The training and development of the Stairs team in Hogan’s methodologies and instruments was the initial priority in order to provide the know-how for the team to promote Hogan products and services to potential clients.First, a Hogan Certification Workshop was organized for the team and some clients. The Managing Director of Europe – Zsolt Feher – led these two days of training in which all were enriched by the learning gained. Fourteen people were certified, all of whom will certainly be promoters and users of this tool.



One of the first and most important project of STAIRS was winning a partnership with an international consultancy company, one of the Big 4. Our goal was to deliver the Hogan 360 powered by PBC to 230 leaders and heads of one of the largest Portuguese multinational companies. The success of this 3-phase project is being determined thanks to an established partnership with Peter Berry Consulting.

Aligned with Hogan’s core assessments, the Hogan 360° uses an easy-to-interpret leadership framework to provide a real-time look at an individual’s attitude, behavior, and performance. The report offers constructive feedback around leadership expectations and sets priorities for improvement.


The Hogan 360 will contribute for the company model based on a continuous feedback culture, being that it’s universally one of the main priorities, and the focus on motivation and development of people, guidance for meritocracy, coherence, integration and objectivity.

During the month of August, we were visited by Hogan’s Dustin Hunter to continue the alignment of Hogan’s product strategies, as well as refreshing the Hogan Certification with the team.

In September and simultaneously with the journey of the PBC of Australia, we look forward to their visit to Portugal. It will undoubtedly be another milestone in strengthening relations and synergies in the consulting business and Hogan products in Portugal.