Hogan to Present at 33rd Annual SIOP Conference

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SIOP 18 CroppedIt’s that time of year again! On April 19-21 in Chicago, I-O experts from Hogan’s Research and Consulting divisions will showcase advances in personality research at the 33rd Annual SIOP Conference. Here’s a detailed schedule of all sessions, including symposia, panel discussions, and poster sessions:

Thursday, April 19

Mobile Assessment: Practical Considerations for Implementation
Jennifer Lowe
Chicago 6

Test publishers and an employer discuss strategies for use of mobile assessments. Topics include demographic group differences for mobile versus desktop and implications of this, demonstration of novel, mobile-friendly response formats, and design considerations to optimize candidate experience across devices. Audience will participate by sampling assessment experiences “live” via mobile device.

Measurement Issues and Impacts of Dark Personality
Brandon Ferrell
Sheraton 3

Dark side traits have attracted a large amount of research attention. Yet, measurement of these traits is more difficult, relative to other personality traits. This symposium focuses on the measurement of dark side personality from different approaches, providing guidelines for developing or choosing dark personality measures in future research.

Where I-O Meets IT: Securing Talent Data in the Age of Breaches, Hacks, and Leaks
Jocelyn Hays, Ryan A. Ross
Chicago 9

This session will explore the role that I-O psychologists play in safeguarding talent data within organizations. The panelists will address questions related to physical security concerns and how the risk of data breaches can be mitigated. In addition, issues related to privacy and how talent data can and should be shared within organizations and across national borders will be discussed.

Does This Really Work? Practical Ways to Retain Desirable Employees
Karen Fuhrmeister, Kimberly Nei

This session will cultivate a discussion around retention issues different industries face and how strategies from each industry might inform and improve the retention strategies of other areas. The panelists will discuss real world situations and provide advice from professional consultant perspectives.

Friday, April 20

Are the Robots Taking Over? Assessments in the Digital Age
Darin Nei
Gold Coast

Organizations across all industries are being transformed by digital technologies. This panel assembles assessment practitioners to share perspectives on changes in assessments: (a) assessing differently with new techniques, (b) new digital methods for assessment research and validation, and (c) what to assess to support the changing workplace.

Investigating the Importance of Ambition in Personality Assessment
Matt Lemming, Kimberly Nei

Three studies are presented examining the value of Ambition as a higher-order personality factor. These studies focus on relationships between Ambition and (a) scales from multiple FFM inventories, (b) overall job performance for 7 job families, and (c) ratings of specific work behaviors. Results suggest that Ambition helps improve prediction and interpretation in organizational settings.

Dark Side Personality Difference in Managerial Hierarchy
Matt Lemming

Using dark side personality characteristics, the authors examined derailing profile differences between managers and executives using the Hogan Development Survey. Findings show some commonalities yet also provide evidence for customizing profiles for both groups. Practical implications from a coaching and development perspective are discussed along with directions for further research.

Using Personality to Predict Team-Relevant Competencies
Matt Lemming

The intersection of teams and personality research produced a diverse body of literature. Yet limited research exists on the personality characteristics of strong team builders. This study focused on synthetic validity meta-analyses to distinguish the personality profiles of competent team builders from team workers using the Hogan Personality Inventory and the Hogan Development Survey.

Challenges, Traits, and Best Practices in Navigating High Potential Programs
Brandy Agnew
Chicago 9

Relatively little is known about the impacts of high potential (HiPo) programs’ impact on their participants. This symposium is intended to shed light on the potential negative impact of these programs on HiPo individuals, personality factors that are indicative of HiPo developmental readiness, and best practices in the development of global HiPo programs.

Critical Job Family Competencies: Sales Versus Customer Support
Karen Fuhrmeister, Kimberly Nei

This study used data-driven best practices to identify the most critical competencies for 2 job families: sales and customer support. Although subject matter experts rated some competencies as critical across the job families, key competencies were unique to each job family.

A Personality-Based Job Analysis of Politicians: The Public’s Perspective
Michael Tapia

Politicians represent their public constituents to make important decisions at the local, state, and federal levels of government. A personality-based job analysis was conducted and citizens were asked to rate the characteristics and competencies important for these roles. Ratings based on political affiliation and present what the public describes as a successful politician were compared.

Employee Retribution: When Work-Family Boundaries Go Awry
Dena Rhodes

This poster investigated work interference with family (WIF) as a full mediator between segmentation/integration value congruence and unethical work behavior (UWB) intentions. Also explored was whether conscientiousness moderated the WIF–UWB intentions relationship. Findings revealed that low-conscientious employees experiencing higher levels of WIF showed greater intentions to engage in UWB.

Identifying and Developing Ethical Leaders: Challenges and Solutions
Darin Nei, Kimberly Nei
Sheraton 2

Identifying and developing ethical leaders continues to be a large area of concern for organizations. This symposium presents ways in which companies can select and develop ethical leaders including using 360 feedback, personality measures, and measures of motives and values.

How to Build a Personality Assessment Ninja Army
Jackie VanBroekhoven Sahm
Sheraton 2

Personality assessment training is an important yet seldom discussed part of the field. The training has serious implications on the appropriate use of the assessments and serves as a major source of business revenue. Come hear the journey, strategy, and challenges that 4 experts are tackling as they build their own army of personality assessment ninjas. 

Saturday, April 21

Measure It Again! Consideration for Reassessment Practices
Darin Nei, Michael Tapia
Chicago 8

The purpose of this panel is to provide practical considerations for best practice recommendations with regards to the reassessment of candidates when making personnel decisions. Due to the variety of assessment types, it is difficult to provide a single response to questions/requests to reassess. The panel will provide insight on how to determine if reassessment is needed and/or appropriate.

A Cross-Cultural Conundrum: Applying Western I-O Around the World
Michael Sanger
Chicago 9

I-O psychologists working internationally face challenges in adapting their Western knowledge, training, and experience to firms located in other countries, often with little formal guidance. This panel brings together I-O practitioners with extensive international experience to discuss their insights, challenges, and best practices when implementing Western I-O around the world.

Genes and Ants: Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Scale Length Optimization
Brandon Ferrell

Conventional scale reduction strategies often fail to consider multiple psychometric criteria. Computer science offers algorithms for exploring item combinations to identify optimal solutions. This study compares the psychometrics of multiple shortened scales across 3 algorithms: removing low factor loadings (i.e., conventional), genetic algorithms, and ant colony optimization.

Dark-Side Personality and Leaders’ Ability to Leverage Workplace Diversity
Brandon Ferrell, Stephen Nichols

To understand relationships between dark-side personality and managers’ ability to promote strong diversity climates, a meta-analysis of 4 Hogan Development Survey studies from the Hogan archive was performed. Two scales, Bold and Excitable, hinder leaders’ ability to leverage diversity in their organizations.

Implications of Curvilinear Relationships in Personality Assessment
Kimberly Nei

This session will cultivate a discussion around retention issues different industries face and how strategies from each industry might inform and improve the retention strategies of other areas. The panelists will discuss real world situations and provide advice from professional consultant perspectives.