Hogan to Present at SIOP 2023

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A logo for the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), features a red bar graph with three columns each topped a blue dot above a curving gray and red arrow pointed upward. The logo also lists the conference location (Boston and Online) and dates (April 19-22, 2023).

Hogan is proud and pleased to be a platinum sponsor and participant at the 38th annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference. Held in Boston, Massachusetts, and online from April 19 through April 22, 2023, the SIOP conference will be another opportunity for Hogan to showcase our thought leadership in personality assessment, leadership development, artificial intelligence, and more. Numerous Hogan employees will attend SIOP 2023, with many of them participating as panelists, presenters, speakers, and session chairs.

We are particularly excited to highlight our tech demo of the Hogan Leadership Experience (HLX), which is redefining leadership with assessment-driven development plans and executive coaching. Hogan’s Director of Global Learning and Development Jackie VanBroekhoven Sahm and Learning Solutions Manager Jocelyn Hays will be demonstrating HLX on Friday, April 20. You definitely want to see this (and you definitely don’t want to miss our drawing for an Apple Watch).

Our base of operations will be booth 101. Stop by to see HLX demos in the booth—and we’ll have some swag to give away!

You can also find us day by day at the sessions below. Note that times are given in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Chase Winterberg, JD, PhD, panelist | 9:00 a.m., Ballroom C

Bringing together experts from academia, internal and external consulting, and law, this panel comes in the wake of NYC Local Law 144, which stipulates that automated employment decision tools must undergo bias audits. This session aims to synthesize and integrate the existing guidance and to begin to lay the framework for best practices when conducting bias audits. Following a State of the Union address, representatives from their respective fields will briefly cover key considerations, and then the chair will facilitate discussion based on preplanned questions and audience input.

Sounds of Silence: Embracing Introversion in the Hum of the Modern Workplace

Kimberly Nei, PhD, presenter | 2:00 p.m., Ballroom A

This panel provides a diverse and comprehensive discussion about introversion in the workplace. Five panelists who span academia, practice, business, psychology, the US, and Australia answer questions about introversion in the context of teams, assessments, measurement, work success, and mistreatment. The goal of this session is to shine light on the oft-neglected strengths of introversion in successful workplaces and fulfilling careers. Authors hope this discussion inspires deeper conversations on the issue, more research, and organizational initiatives.

Overlap and Differences Between Psychological Safety and DEI Competencies for Leaders

Linda Muller, MS, presenter; Becca Burchette, MS, coauthor; Zayna Hustoft, coauthor; Matt Lemming, MA, coauthor; Kimberly Nei, PhD, coauthor | 4:00 p.m., Exhibit Hall

Literature to date has largely considered diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and psychological safety as separate constructs that uniquely contribute to an organization’s culture, despite their similarities. Authors used several statistical analyses including EFA, LPA, correlation, and regression to determine the degree of overlap and difference between these constructs using an archival dataset of more than 10,000 leaders at nearly 3,000 companies across the globe. Findings have implications for practitioners, consultants, and leaders who wish to foster organizational diversity and inclusion.

A World Without Assessments: Rolling the Dice on Candidates?

Chase Winterberg, JD, PhD, panelist; Brandon Ferrell, PhD, panelist | 4:00 p.m., room 202

This session reviews and tries to understand deteriorating organizational, political, and social attitudes toward employment testing. Authors will identify likely causes of this change in attitudes, discuss its effects, and will review similar shifts seen with educational and certification/licensure testing. The final goal for this session is to identify ways test publishers and test users can begin to rehabilitate testing’s reputation, combining what test users in other fields have learned and acknowledging what test critics get right.

Ethical Considerations in Workplace Assessments: An Interactive Discussion

Paige Brown, MBA, MA, presenter | 5:00 p.m., room 209

With limited guidelines or consensus on how leaders should choose, administer, and debrief their employees using workplace assessments, practitioners and academics alike need a code of ethics. However, having a code of ethics in place is not enough. Practitioners and academics need a comprehensive understanding of how to use this code of ethics when using workplace assessments. This session will be an interactive discussion for practitioners and academics in all job levels who are interested in using workplace assessments in an ethical manner.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Ethical Decision-Making: An Interactive Session Using Realistic Scenarios

Paige Brown, MBA, MA, presenter | 8:00 a.m., Ballroom A

Authors propose an interactive session aimed at facilitating ethical decision-making (EDM) using SIOP’s Committee for the Advancement of Professional Ethics’ (CAPE) Ethical Reflection Tool (CERT). Session participants will engage in reading and discussing brief ethical scenarios in small groups. Ultimately, groups will rate the overall ethicality of their proposed responses using an audience engagement platform, such as Mentimeter. At the end, participants will learn about resources available through CAPE (including the CERT) for teaching ethics.

Causes and Outcomes of Self-Other Rating Agreement in 360 Feedback

Ryne Sherman, PhD, presenter; Weiwen Nie, PhD, presenter | 9:00 a.m., room 208

This symposium presents four recent investigations into the causes and outcomes of self–other (dis)agreement in 360-degree assessments. The symposium is appropriate for both scientists and practitioners and requires intermediate understanding of the topic. The four studies explored self-other agreement on personality and behavior reports. A special feature of the symposium is the exploration of the impact of self-other rating (dis)agreement on diverse practical outcomes such as interpersonal behavior, leadership behavior, workplace performance and reputation, and counterproductive behavior. Drs. Sherman and Nie will present “Self-Awareness of Workplace Reputation: A 360-Degree Analysis.”

Humor and Hogan: Examining Humor Styles with the Hogan Personality Inventory

Cody Warren, MA, presenter; Jessie McClure, MA, coauthor; Mark Shoemaker, MA, coauthor | 10:30 a.m., Exhibit Hall

Authors examined four humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating) using the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) and their relationships to personality characteristics measured by a work-based personality assessment (Hogan Personality Inventory; HPI). Significant relationships were found among all humor styles and a number of personality scales, which can assist in providing self-awareness of an individual’s personality and how that related to their humor style.

Redefine Executive Coaching with the Hogan Leadership Experience

Jackie VanBroekhoven Sahm, MS, speaker; Jocelyn Hays, MS, speaker | 2:00 p.m., room 206

Developing and coaching leaders without assessment is akin to allowing a physician to treat elite athletes without conducting any diagnostic medical tests. Yet even when an assessment is used in leadership development, most of the products available today are too generalized and lack impact; abstract, complex, and difficult to action; or fun, flashy, and flimsy.

The Hogan Leadership Experience (HLX) is a new product that reimagines top executives’ experience with assessments, coaching, and development. This bespoke technology reinvents science-driven executive coaching and ultimately redefines leadership itself. Seamlessly integrated into talent management initiatives, HLX will fuel more effective development planning and long-lasting behavior change.

Join our tech demonstration to see how Hogan is using interactive technology and the science of personality to empower leaders to build high-performing teams. People who attend the tech demo and provide us with their information will be entered into a drawing for an Apple Watch. Will you win?

IOs for Social Good: Using Research and Evidence for Police Reform

Chase Winterberg, JD, PhD, presenter; Deidre Hall, MS, MA, presenter | 2:00 p.m., room 203

According to The Washington Post, 1,047 people have been shot and killed by police in the last year and, unsurprisingly, Black Americans were killed at a higher rate. Many remember Michael Brown, killed in 2014; Philando Castile, killed in 2016; George Floyd, killed in 2020; and many others. How do we fix this? In this dynamic, action-oriented session, authors will start with a presentation of research on police personality traits followed by an interactive design-thinking session led by an expert facilitator and transition to a presentation around how IO can influence legislation.

Unanswered Questions for Personality-Based Team Interventions

Jessie McClure, MA, panelist | 5:00 p.m., room 312

This panel discussion will explore the current state of knowledge on personality-based developmental interventions for groups and teams. The panelists will draw on the current research literature, as well as their experiences implementing developmental team interventions during their time at companies such as Walmart, PepsiCo, and Hogan Assessments. Specific topics will include purpose and design of personality-based developmental interventions, current state of research on this topic, and next steps for practitioners and scholars to advance this popular yet understudied form of intervention.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Let’s Go, Team! Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Team Effectiveness Interventions

Jessie McClure, MA, primary chair; Jessica McDuffie, MS, secondary chair | 11:30 a.m., room 309

In today’s business world, it is critical for teams to be able to work effectively together quickly. Leaders need to be open to and understand when to introduce team development interventions. This session will present best practices, lessons learned, and advice on team development initiatives to enhance team effectiveness. Topics will include gaining buy-in from business leaders and stakeholders, navigating team initiatives in a changing business world, measuring outcomes of team initiatives, and further research needed on this topic to support practitioners.

Increasing Transparency in the Candidate Experience While Protecting Your Company

Chase Winterberg, JD, PhD, panelist | 11:30 a.m., room 209

Enhancing the candidate experience continues to be of critical importance to organizations. To remain competitive in the market, organizations must continue to look for ways to increase transparency throughout the hiring process. However, increasing transparency comes with the responsibility to remain standardized and continue to use a science-based approach to prehire assessments. This panel is intended for introductory to advanced practitioners looking to implement transparent communications and feedback to applicants to elevate the candidate experience.

When Values Align: The Attraction-Selection-Attrition Model Using Machine Learning

Alise Dabdoub, PhD, presenter; Sara Stegemoller, coauthor; Matt Lemming, MA, coauthor | 12:30 p.m., Exhibit Hall

The attraction-selection-attraction model posits that individuals are attracted to, selected by, and stay in organizations that espouse values that align with their own. This multiclass classification study used linear discriminant analysis to examine whether core values could be used to predict the organization or job family an employee belonged to. Findings reveal that core values may be more relevant at the organization level than at the job family level, as prediction accuracy increased above the no-information rate at the organization level but not at job family level.

Advancing Frontiers with AI in IO: Diverse Uses of Natural Language Processing

Weiwen Nie, PhD, presenter | 12:30 p.m., room 304

This symposium will highlight diverse applications of modern natural language processing (NLP) techniques that can innovate organizational processes. Authors demonstrate several examples of how rapidly advancing NLP approaches can be leveraged to facilitate immediate change. NLP provides the opportunity to automate laborious tasks and direct more valid, evidence-based practices. The following IO psychologist’s diverse applications of NLP showcase how it can support job analysis, diversity and inclusion, recruitment and selection, and learning and development.

We are so proud of our presenters and their research. We can’t wait to see you in Boston at SIOP 2023.