Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ignition_ePub-CvrDespite the fact that teams vary widely in terms of their goals and composition, there is one right way to build a team, and many wrong ways, according to a new book by Gordon J. Curphy, Dianne L. Nilsen and Robert Hogan. The success of any team depends on having the right foundation in place.

In their book, titled “Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams,” the authors provide insights into how to solve problems commonly faced by teams in today’s complex, fast-paced organizations. Case studies include combining teams as part of a re-organization, virtual teams, and matrixed teams, as well as fixing broken teams and developing high-potentials into effective team leaders.

“This book is the single best source available on how to carry out the fundamental task of building and maintaining a high-performing team,” says Curphy. “It outlines 40 team-improvement activities that are practical and effective. The exercises are based on the notion that teams need to do real work to become more effective.”

“Ignition” is intended as a reference book. Readers are encouraged to review the first two chapters to understand the overall considerations in building teams and how to set up and run team engagements. Then, chapters can be selected by the reader that most closely parallel the specific team issues they need to address.

The 15 “Ignition” chapters and 40 team improvement activities are linked to the Team Assessment Survey, which provides benchmarking feedback and helps teams pinpoint problem areas. In addition, downloadable supporting materials, such as PowerPoint decks, forms, handouts and articles are provided to help team leaders and facilitators more easily address team dilemmas and needs.

“Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams” is available for purchase on Amazon for $49.99.