Who Becomes a Business Leader in Mainland China?

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Who becomes a business leader in mainland China? A new report from Hogan Assessments, “Leader Emergence Trends Among Mainland Chinese Executives,” explores the personality characteristics of executives, directors, general managers, and other senior leaders to provide insight into the mainland Chinese market. Using global benchmark data, the report compares the average personality characteristics of business leaders worldwide with those of mainland Chinese business leaders.

“Organizations and leaders who want to do business in China successfully must first understand how Chinese executives lead so they can adjust to this unique leadership style,” observed Krista Pederson, MA, managing director, Asia Pacific, at Hogan Assessments.

Organizations gain a competitive advantage by understanding what motivates Chinese business leaders—how they get along, get ahead, and find meaning in their professional lives. For instance, data show that mainland Chinese executives may be more likely to value opportunities to use their imagination and creativity than their global peers. Mainland Chinese business leaders may also tend to make decisions consistent with their appreciation for quality and design.

Developed in partnership with Hogan’s authorized distributors Mobley Group Pacific, Edge Management Consulting, and Empowered Leaders Consulting, the report showcases expertise and insights from decades of experience with executive development in China.

“Understanding the personalities of executives in any market is important for success in cross-cultural contexts. If organizations and leaders know how people in China or other markets expect leaders to behave, they can adapt their behavioral strategies to become more effective in leading and getting along with others in that market,” Pederson added.

Want to see the rest of Hogan’s insights about personality trends among Chinese business leaders?