Author: HNews

Leading with Integrity

  Leadership is the ability to build and maintain a team that can outperform the competition. Therefore a good leader must be someone others are willing to follow.

The Dark Side of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is arguably one of the most successful businessmen in modern times. He started Apple and NeXT, took a majority ownership stake in Pixar for $10M and after ten blockbuster films sold the company to Disney for over $7B, and around the time of his death Apple had a market cap greater than the… Read more »

What is a Good Leader?

  What is a good leader? Michael Scott, the former main character in NBC’s hit sitcom The Office, has an intertesting take.

Meet the Loose Cannon

He’s the hothead, the live wire, the one with the short fuse and explosive temper. His energy is infectious, but his mood can turn on a dime, and when he starts lobbing shells, boy you’d better take cover.

The Importance of Adverse Impact

A recent article on ABC News’ website chronicles the story of a job seeker who is suing a potential employer for allegedly using personality assessments to support discriminatory hiring practices.

The Value of Values

Using Values Assessment to Create a More Engaged, More Productive Workforce