Talent Pro, Beware: 11 Employee Behaviors to Watch Out For

Job-related stress is a major problem faced by people worldwide. As many as 60% of workers in the major global economies reported experiencing stress at work, and in the United States, a staggering 80% of workers say they are stressed because of their jobs.

Aside from the health implications that job-related stress can have for employees, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, it poses potential problems for organizations too. While most working adults try to manage the impressions they make on others at work, periods of particularly intense stress or pressure can draw out what we at Hogan call dark-side personality characteristics.

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We Are Not the MBTI

The MBTI personality test, short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is known around the world. But popularity doesn’t mean a test is effective, and not all tests are alike. Learn why.