Hogan’s international distributors are the backbone of our global strategy. As local experts on our products, they provide service and support for clients outside the United States. Distributors offer our full product suite in their respective countries, conduct Hogan certification workshops, and provide a range of services to support Hogan products. Distributors also have access to our massive research archive and work closely with headquarters to deliver science-based solutions to clients small and large.
By leveraging our global network, we deliver world-class service to multinational clients in real time and in their language. With their focus on science, our distributors ensure our clients have a consistent Hogan experience wherever they located. The Hogan International Distributor Network consists of more than 40 distributors, operating in more than 50 countries. Each distributor is staffed by leading industrial-organizational psychologists and talent management consultants who are experts in Hogan assessments across our international markets.
See our full list of distributors