It is a daunting task to find a personality assessment provider that addresses your unique business challenges.
Hogan has more than 30 years of experience providing cutting-edge assessment and consulting solutions to some of the world’s largest companies, including over half the Fortune 500.
Several key attributes distinguish our offerings:
1. Hogan is the leader in personality assessment
A pioneer in the personality assessment industry, Hogan remains one of the few privately-operated assessment publishers in the world. Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan dedicated their careers to the advancement of personality assessment. Their commitment to scientific research and development of leading-edge personality assessments is a fundamental part of our culture. Over the past 30 years, Hogan has partnered with thousands of organizations to improve their talent management systems using Hogan’s assessment solutions.
2. Our assessments are designed to address your unique business challenges
Our assessments can be used for a variety of talent management initiatives, from pre-hire selection to executive-level development.
- Predict job performance – Hire better people by measuring basic employability, work style, safety consciousness, and organizational fit.
- Evaluate career derailers – identify and mitigate performance risks that can degrade leadership success, erode relationships, and damage professional reputation.
- Identify potential – find and develop your organization’s next generation of top talent.
- Leadership development – leverage the strategic self-awareness gained through Hogan’s assessment process with executive development and coaching.
- Pair with 360° data and other performance indices – reveal the underlying characteristics and values that drive the behaviors identified in the 360° process. In progressive development programs,
360s provide the what; Hogan provides the why.
3. Hogan offers the assessment solutions required for most initiatives
Hogan’s assessment offerings measure normal personality characteristics, career derailment risks, core
value drivers, and cognitive style. Hogan’s selection and development solutions are driven by a targeted
mix of the following assessments:
- HPI – the Hogan personality inventory measures normal personality characteristics necessary for job fit, effective relationships, and career success.
- HDS – the Hogan development survey is the industry standard for measuring career-derailing personality characteristics.
- MVPI – the motives, values, preferences inventory reveals a person’s core values, goals, and interests, which impact organizational fit and indicate environments in which individuals will be motivated and satisfied.
- HBRI – the Hogan business reasoning inventory describes a person’s ability to evaluate sets of data, make decisions, solve problems, and avoid repeating past mistakes. The HBRI is for assessment in the united states only.
- MATRIGMA – matrigma measures cognitive ability, which concerns a person’s capacity to solve problems, plan ahead, and draw logical conclusions. Matrigma is used for assessment outside of the United States.
4. Hogan’s assessments can be used throughout the employee lifecycle
Hogan’s assessments can be used at any level throughout an organization. Our tailored solutions provide effective ways to integrate personality assessment into selection, development, and talent identification programs.
- Hogan’s online report architecture can generate a variety of report outputs from a single set of participant data. Because personality tends to remain stable over time, targeted development reports can be generated as the individual moves through the employee lifecycle.
- Hogan has a wide variety of role- and initiative-specific reports tailored to meet the needs of your selection or development process.
- Hogan’s approach provides a consistent assessment language and set of behavioral descriptors
which become ingrained in the organization’s selection and development culture.
5. Hogan supports global initiatives
To support the global reach of our clients, Hogan established an industry-leading network of international partners. Hogan’s global capabilities offer several distinct advantages:
- Nearly 30 distributors operating in more than 50 countries across six continents ensure our assessments are locally supported.
- Hogan’s assessments are available in more than 40 languages. We adhere to rigorous translation and cultural adaptation practices to ensure congruence between assessment translations.
- Hogan’s research department develops and refines local, language-specific norms.
- Hogan developed a set of global norms designed to standardize comparison across languages and cultures.
6. Hogan’s assessments are based in science
Our assessments were developed and validated according to current professional standards.
- Hogan provides documentation to all clients detailing the development of each assessment and the original validation process.
- The Hogan technical manuals are organized according to the standards outlined in the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP). These guidelines are designed to help employers comply with Federal law around employment practices.
- Hogan’s approach to norming our assessment tools adheres to the professional and technical
benchmarks established in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing.
7. Hogan’s solutions are proven
Hogan maintains the industry’s largest and most well-developed archive of original research, affording access to hundreds of real-world validity studies demonstrating the extent to which our assessments predict performance.
- Our research department, composed of masters- and doctorate-level I-O psychologists, regularly conducts return-on-investment (ROI ) studies establishing the impact of personality-based selection and development activities on real-world performance outcomes.
- The Hogan archive contains case studies demonstrating ROI across virtually every industry for nearly all job titles listed in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Information Network (O*NET)
8. Hogan and its founders are well-regarded members of the scientific community
Hogan’s founders are leading experts in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and personality assessment.
Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan were pioneers in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and personality assessment. Today, Hogan maintains the largest and best-regarded research department in the industry.
- Hogan’s researchers and consultants are active members of the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP).
- Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan established the Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance through the SIOP Foundation. The annual award seeks to advance the field of Industrial-Organizational Psychology by recognizing and rewarding research that furthers the understanding of personality as it relates to job performance.
- Hogan stakeholders and staff members publish papers and research articles regularly in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, and the American Psychological Association, among others.
9. Hogan’s assessments are peer reviewed
Test publishing is an unregulated industry, and consumers depend on non-partisan agencies to establish credibility. Hogan recommends asking whether prospective providers submit their assessment tools to independent, third party review. If not, ask why.
- Hogan’s assessments have been reviewed positively by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, a U.S. database of commercially available test reviews, and in the U.K. by the British Psychological Society.
- Hogan’s solutions are legally defensible. In selection scenarios, assessments should be empirically linked to job performance and should not demonstrate adverse impact. In Hogan’s more than 30 years in business, our assessments have never been legally challenged in court.
- Our assessments and validation procedures are designed in accordance with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.
- In the case of a legal challenge, Hogan will provide supporting documentation regarding the creation, validation, and proper use of our assessments should the validity research be challenged.
- In addition, Dr. Joyce Hogan was an international authority on personnel selection, and served as a consultant/expert witness on employment discrimination cases for the U.S. Department of Justice.
10. Hogan requires certification to administer and interpret our assessments
To ensure appropriate and consistent application of our assessment tools, Hogan provides a comprehensive certification process that empowers users with the expertise and resources needed to interpret the Hogan personality profiles.
Hogan empowers users with the expertise and resources needed to interpret personality profiles.
- Due to (a) the inherent complexity of psychometric assessment data, (b) the depth of measurement offered by the Hogan tools, and (c) concerns with fairness and appropriate use of selection and development procedures, Hogan endorses a user-educated approach to implementation across the spectrum of talent-management applications.
- Hogan ensures that users are appropriately qualified and trained to administer and interpret the Hogan tools based on intended use.