Tag: Hogan

Charisma: Not a Recipe for Better Leadership

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*This is a guest blog post written by Nicholas Emler, Ph.D., a Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Surrey. Leadership was for too long grievously neglected by mainstream psychology, so it is good to see the topic more regularly getting serious scholarly attention; there is now a substantial body of informative research, in… Read more »

Bob Hogan on Workplace Culture

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Culture can best be defined in terms of the values that guide the behavior and decision making of a social unit—a team, a family, a business, etc. Culture is not vague and touchy-feely; cultures can be easily and reliably assessed using any number of commercially available survey instruments. Cultures have real, concrete behavioral consequences, and… Read more »

Hogan to Feature Two Speakers at 2017 ATP Conference

Hogan representatives Dave Winsborough, VP of Innovation and head of Hogan X, and Blaine Gaddis, Sr. Manager of Product Research, will both present at this year’s ATP Innovations in Testing Conference in Scottsdale, AZ next week. The conference, which brings assessment industry professionals together, provides a venue for attendees to learn from and collaborate. Winsborough… Read more »

Losing Jobs: The Problem of Succession Management

Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs recently announced that he will take yet another medical leave of absence with an unspecified return date. His announcement was followed by much discussion and debate about when and whether he will return. This news re-awakened the debate among worried stockholders and industry analysts who are sweating out the… Read more »