Reading Time: 3 minutesYour organization likely uses metrics to drive a variety of important business functions, but what about leadership development? Professional coach James M. Fico, PhD, explains the benefits of metrics-driven leadership development programs and highlights one key metric your organization shouldn’t overlook: team performance.
Becoming a Manager: 11 Most Difficult Challenges
Reading Time: 4 minutesBecoming a manager is a major career milestone. If you’re making the transition to management, here’s what you need to know about your changing role so you can be an effective leader.
How Organizations Can Improve Gender Equity in Leadership
Reading Time: 3 minutesOn this International Women’s Day, organizations should consider what steps they can take to improve gender equity in the workplace and put more women in leadership roles. Personality assessment is a good place to start.
What’s Driving the Big Quit? (Part 1)
Reading Time: 4 minutesWhy are so many people quitting their jobs? According to Hogan’s Erin Crane, PhD, burnout and empowerment are the two major causes of the Big Quit, or Great Resignation. Read more.
How Working from Home Has Changed Employees and the Workplace
Reading Time: 3 minutesBefore COVID-19, working from home was a fringe benefit, and fully remote workers were a minority. Now, it’s the norm. Here are some tips for employees and employers to make the most of the pros and cons of remote work.
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Successful Coaching Initiatives
Reading Time: 2 minutesStrategic self-awareness is central to talent development coaching, the topic of our October 21 webinar.
Can People Really Change? Practical Advice for Leadership Development
Reading Time: 7 minutesCan you change your personality? The answer is complicated — but it has profound implications for leadership development initiatives and the organizational results they produce.
Russell Reynolds Associates and Hogan Assessments Extend Exclusive Partnership
Reading Time: 2 minutesFor the past five years, Russell Reynolds Associates and Hogan have worked together to produce a multitude of innovative solutions designed to drive C-suite performance, both at the individual and team levels.
The CEO Effect: What’s the Value of Who’s in Charge?
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe personality of your CEO might be impacting your company’s bottom line. Find out how.
Coaching in Context: A Tale of Two C-suite Execs
Reading Time: 2 minutesThis is an insightful story about how the power of multiple datapoints come together in a lesson of complementary work styles. Be sure to tune in to our collaborative webinar on this topic on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, beginning at 12:00 p.m. ET.
CEOs in Crisis: The Influence of Leaders’ Values and Motivators (Part 3)
The values that drive our decisions are the most intimate part of personality. When we speak of values, we do not refer to universal moral principles, such as integrity, respect, or solidarity, but more specific qualities that are shaped by culture, upbringing, and more.
Read More »Working with Derailers: Coaching Insights at the Top of the Stress-performance Curve
Derailers are important because they are the habitual behavioral patterns that can get in our way. Typically operating below the level of conscious awareness, these behaviors are often easy to ignore. But when overused, they hinder performance. Coaching people to learn to work with derailers and manage stress can be a gateway into new understanding and help them increase their effectiveness.
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