Tag: personality

Personality Assessment and Performance Management


A critical task for leaders is to ensure that their followers are working efficiently toward the organization’s goals. In business, employees whose work is aligned with the organization’s objectives are more productive. So-called “performance management processes” are intended to create alignment between the employee’s work and the organization’s goals. A typical performance management process might… Read more »

VIDEO: Bob Hogan on the Nature of Human Nature

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According to Hogan Assessments founder Robert Hogan, life is about competition. There’s competition within groups to attain status, and those who win generally are those with good social skills. There’s also competition between groups, and the groups with the strongest leaders win in this arena. Competition within groups is what fascinates and entertains people. However,… Read more »

It’s Time to Stop Vilifying Ambition


The concept of ambition has a bad reputation in popular culture. The textbook definition – a strong desire to achieve something, typically through determination and hard work – seems innocuous, but the word is often associated with destructive consequences. Napoleon, Stalin, and Hitler were ambitious, and that cost the world millions of lives. On a… Read more »

Does Personality Change? On the Stability of Personality Assessment Scores


Does personality change? This is a question we receive regularly from our clients, along with a lot of hypotheses about when and why scores shift. Answering this seemingly straightforward question actually requires addressing three related questions: How often do scores on assessments change? Personality assessments—like the ones we create at Hogan—measure patterns of behavior. Decades… Read more »

The Personality of Donald Trump


The fate of any organization is largely a function of that organization’s leadership. The organization of the United States is no exception to this rule. As such, it is appropriate to understand Donald Trump’s personality and its impact on the function of the United States. I do not personally know Mr. Trump and I have… Read more »

Assessing the Assessor—Evaluating Personality Assessment Tools

Today, many organizations use personality assessment tools to assess their employees. But before deciding to use a personality tool, should organizations create their own thermometer test?  Imagine someone walking up to a doctor with a new kind of device that claims to measure the body temperature. What if the manufacturer requested the doctor to endorse… Read more »

Rethinking Self-Awareness: Freud versus Socrates

Most people who are interested in helping others to improve their careers would agree that individual differences in self-awareness impact career outcomes. This talk builds on that agreement by analyzing three topics: (1) How to define self-awareness? (2) Does self-awareness matter? And (3) How to increase self-awareness?

How To Grow Employee Engagement Using Personality

  Hogan and Sirota Asia Pacific teamed up in a panel discussion for an exclusive look at how leadership is killing employee engagement in Singapore on July 30. Speakers included Lewis Garrad, managing director of Sirota Asia Pacific; Ho Wan Leng, CEO & chief consulting officer of Optimal Consulting; and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Ph.D., CEO of Hogan Assessment Systems. Human Resources Online… Read more »

Identity Vs. Reputation

Here at Hogan we have a lot of conversations about pretty complicated stuff, and odds are, if you are reading this, you have at some point been on the other end of one of those conversations. It is always our goal to simplify concepts into language that is more readily understood. It’s not that we… Read more »