Tag: personality

Hogan’s Position on NYC Local Law 144

A photo of the New York City skyline glowing pink at dusk or dawn. The photo accompanies a statement about Hogan's position on NYC Local Law 144.

On July 5, 2023, the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection will begin enforcing the updated NYC Local Law 144, which requires employers to obtain a third-party bias audit for “automated employment decision tools.” Learn more.

Soft Skills Are Having a Moment

A bird's-eye view photo of an office space with brick walls, high ceilings, and tall windows through which bright light shines. A clock hangs on the wall in the left foreground of the photo. Below, a diverse group of employees are working at long tables on opposite sides of the room. The photo accompanies a blog post about soft skills or socioemotional skills having a "moment" in the literature, although these skills have always been important for leaders and talent in general.

Soft skills are having a moment right now. But it’s not truly a trend. Here’s why these socioemotional skills have always been fundamental for leadership performance.

Why Jung Matters

This photo shows a bird’s-eye view of a silhouette walking across a terrace. The person is walking in a sliver of light amid shadows. The photo signifies Carl Jung’s shadow archetype and accompanies an article about why Jung matters to personality psychology.

Carl Jung deserves a more prominent place in the study of psychology. Learn about why Jung matters to personality psychology.

Why Freud Matters

Robert Hogan

Robert Hogan, PhD, our founder and president, explains why Freud matters to modern personality psychology using seven key ideas from Freudian theory.

Using AI to Interpret Hogan Scores

This graphic illustration has a background in gradients of gray blocks. Against the background is an icon of a piece of paper that has a red square on it with black circuits emerging from it. The image accompanies a statement about using artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT or another GPT, to interpret the Hogan personality assessments.

GPTs might be capable of interpreting personality assessment results, but they are often incorrect. Read our statement on why you shouldn’t use AI systems to interpret Hogan scores.

What the Dark Triad Misses

A photo, taken from an upward perspective, of three adjacent boulders. Where the tops of the boulders meet, a triangle of sunlight peeks through. Because the boulders are otherwise blocking the sun, they appear dark. The photo accompanies a blog post about the Dark Triad and dark-side personality characteristics.

The Dark Triad refers to narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. But those aren’t all the dark-side personality characteristics. What are the others?