Tag: personality

The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship: Avoiding Personal and Organizational Derailment

Entrepreneurs tend to have a heroic status around the globe — and for good reason. Entrepreneurialism encourages individual proactivity, creativity, and economic vitality, yet a significant number of startups fail for many well-documented reasons. The organizational psychologist in me wonders: What does personality psychology have to say about derailed entrepreneurial enterprises? As noted, entrepreneurs play a key role… Read more »

Survival Skills: Who Will Succeed in the Automated Labor Market?


Automation has long been altering labor markets and eliminating jobs. Recent research suggests that up to 47% of U.S. jobs are at risk of becoming automated within the next 20 years.1 That percentage varies from country to country, but it consistently falls above the 40% mark. Although automation is largely thought to threaten low-skill jobs,… Read more »

Parkinson’s Law in the Age of the Pandemic


C. Northcote Parkinson (1909—1993) was a British naval historian, lecturer, and novelist; he formulated his famous law in an essay in The Economist in 1955. Parkinson’s law was intended to describe the behavior of managers in the British Navy and British government, but it is also a pretty good description of work in most organizations…. Read more »

Personality and the Problem of Police Brutality

The cases of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor represent just two recent and horrific examples of police brutality resulting in unnecessary loss of human life. The awfulness of these cases is amplified by fact that African Americans—both George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are black—are more than 2.5 times as likely to be killed by police… Read more »

Q&A: Natural Language Processing

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The amount of text data we send out in the world is staggering. On average, there are 500 million tweets sent per day, 23 billion text messages, and 306.4 billion emails. Everything we say, every email we send, and every word on our resumes can be used to understand the world around us, and it… Read more »

Hogan Launches The Science of Personality Podcast

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We’re excited to announce that Hogan has officially launched The Science of Personality podcast, which explores the impact of personality on life, leadership, and organizational success. The Science of Personality is hosted by Hogan Chief Science Officer Ryne Sherman, PhD, a world-renowned personality psychologist, along with Hogan Public Relations Manager Blake Loepp. In each episode,… Read more »

Leveraging Personality in Onboarding


We’ve all experienced that feeling of excitement and energy on the first day of a new job. The feeling that emerges after walking through those doors is almost entirely dependent on the organization and its selection and onboarding processes. Many resources from Hogan discuss the importance of selecting the right candidates, including a variety of… Read more »

The State of Remote Work


Working from home is a not a new experience for many employees. In the United States, 50% to 70% of jobs can be done from home, but the number of remote workers is actually much lower. This trend is mirrored around the globe. That is, the actual number of remote workers trails the number of… Read more »

Managing Stress with Strategic Self-Awareness


Feeling the Sunday scaries? At the start of each workweek, we prepare ourselves for the stressful situations we are likely to face throughout the week. With the recent pandemic, the stress we are feeling is unprecedented. As we try to go about the workday facing new challenges in an abruptly virtual world, the way that… Read more »