
Managing Gen Z: Understanding the New Kids on the Block

Approximately every 20 years, a new generation joins the workforce and turns the world of work upside down. This, in turn, ignites a yearslong cycle of research and literature aimed at understanding how to manage this “complex” and “drastically different” group of individuals. Then, 20 years later, the cycle starts again. Wash, rinse, repeat. But why?… Read more »


Versatility: The Key Ingredient to Effective Leadership

When disruption such as a global pandemic occurs, challenges that were once masked by soaring profits and rising stock prices can become exposed. Leaders who previously thrived are suddenly without a playbook—yet are expected to continue leading effective teams while improving the bottom line. But what separates the leaders who rise to the occasion from… Read more »

TSOP Livecast

The Future Is Here: AI, Personality, and the Impact

Artificial intelligence isn’t new, but for years it came with certain limitations. However, the recent launch of ChatGPT has offered the world a glimpse of just how impactful AI can be. In just a few months, it has turned the world of academia upside down with students using the new technology to generate entire essays… Read more »

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Dream Team: The Inner Workings of Teamwork

When it comes to team effectiveness, getting along does not always result in getting ahead. Sure, it’s nice when a team can work together in perfect harmony, but not at the expense of overall effectiveness. If you undergo a medical procedure, would you prefer the healthcare professionals in the room be friends or get the… Read more »


How to Fix Your Leadership Development Program

Organizations spend more than $366 billion annually on leadership development worldwide. Yet 75% of companies say their leadership programs are not very effective, and only 11% report having a strong succession plan to fill critical leadership roles. To make matters worse, more than two-thirds of workers report that the worst part of their lives is their immediate… Read more »

The Big Quit_BLOG

What’s Driving the Big Quit? A Look at Personality in the Workplace

Employees are quitting their jobs in staggering numbers. What is causing this exodus? Are employees choosing to leave because they are exhausted, frustrated, and burnt out? Or are they feeling a heightened sense of self-worth, empowerment, and confidence? In this webinar, we will explore the role personality plays in what many are calling the Great… Read more »

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Funny Business: Humor and Personality in the Workplace

Have you ever been in a meeting and witnessed humor used successfully (or even unsuccessfully)? We have all experienced humor in our personal lives and work lives. Humor is a tool that can be used for good. It can help with forming connections, building relationships, and easing communication. But it is a tool that can… Read more »

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One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Successful Coaching Initiatives

We all have derailers, or strengths that become weaknesses when we stop self-managing during times of stress or pressure. For some of us, derailing means confidence turns into grandiosity; for others, independence turns into withdrawal. Similarly, our job contexts and the situations that cause stress can vary considerably from person to person — and this… Read more »

Can People Change_Blog

Can People Really Change? Practical Advice for Leadership Development

Nearly all leadership development programs target individual growth and the development of soft skills, such as emotional intelligence, influencing skills, relationship management, etc., with 63% of organizations using executive coaching to support leader growth. But efforts to develop soft skills, which are based in personality, are hard to quantify, study, and measure, making ROI difficult… Read more »

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On Fire or Fizzling Out: Who Is at Risk for Burnout?

For the past year and a half, we all have been living with some degree of uncertainty due to the global pandemic, which has changed how we interact with others and live our lives. During this time of considerable change, many people have experienced some degree of burnout. Whether you’ve been working remotely, working in… Read more »