Zsolt spoke with RRHH Digital on issues such as evaluation systems, innovation and digitalization in companies and in the HR sector, leadership, retention and attraction of talent.
News Type: Hogan in the Media
Forget the Myers-Briggs, Use the Big Five
According to Bob Hogan, “the news derived from the MBTI is always positive. But people can only improve their performance if they know what they are doing wrong.”
Could DNA Testing Be the Key to Developing Talent?
According to Hogan Chief Science Officer Dr. Ryne Sherman, there is no evidence of a link between one single DNA structure and people’s personality traits.
Exclusive Interview: Dr. Robert Hogan, Founder & President, Hogan Assessments
In an exclusive interview with People Matters, Dr. Robert Hogan, Founder & President, Hogan Assessments talks about the evolving nature of leadership, bridging the gap between psychological science of talent and common real-world talent practices, the criticalness of evaluating personality & identifying talent with empirically-validated psychometric devices.
Tech-Driven Personality Assessments ‘Saved Businesses €65M’
Research compiled by Hogan Assessments estimated that companies using personality tests were able to save approximately €65m, 1,728 days of production.
Apple’s Retail Fumble: A Lesson for All CEOs
Recent research suggests one of the key personality traits is humility.
How a Lack of Self-Awareness Leads to Ineffective Leadership
Leadership coach, Kasia Jamroz, talks about Hogan Assessments and reputation vs. identity.
Engagement Is Created by the Way Managers Treat Their Staff
In an exclusive interview with People Matters, Dr. Robert Hogan shares what organizations need to do to identify high potentials.
5 Questions with Ryne Sherman of Hogan Assessments
A Tulsa World Q&A with Hogan Chief Science Officer Ryne Sherman.
Top Contributions of Dr. Robert Hogan in the Field of Psychology
From the development of socio-analytic theory to establishing the link between personality and organizational effectiveness, Dr. Robert Hogan revolutionized performance measurement.