Reading Time: < 1 minuteDeveloped in partnership by Denison Consulting and Hogan, the Denison Leadership Potential Report (DLPR) is a new product that provides a statistically valid prediction of leadership potential. This is accomplished by aligning an individual’s inherent leader attributes—as measured by Hogan assessment tools—to the twelve leadership competencies defined by the Denison Leadershhip Development Model.
Tag: leadership
Corporate Culture and the Impact on Employee Engagement
Reading Time: 2 minutes In the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a focus around corporate culture in many of my typical news sources – Fast Company, Fortune, Talent Management Magazine, and Harvard Business Review’s Blog. I’m sure the recent changes in Yahoo’s and Best Buy’s corporate work-from-home policies sparked the heated debates around corporate culture. Many of the… Read more »
The Importance of Trust
Reading Time: < 1 minute An individual’s ability to exercise leadership is hinged on his or her ability to persuade others to follow. According to the Hogan Leadership Model, followers look for four essential qualities in a leader: integrity, judgment, competence, and vision. Of these, integrity is most essential.
The Mask of Integrity
Reading Time: 2 minutes In their book chapter “The Mask of Integrity,” published in Citizen Espionage: Studies in Trust and Betrayal, Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan, outlined four characteristics that typified the ideal betrayer:
Developing Leaders for the Future
Reading Time: 2 minutesHarvard Business Review blogger, Jack Zenger, recently wrote “we wait too long to train our leaders.” In his post Zenger points out the discrepancy between when individuals first take on leadership roles and when they first receive leadership training. When looking at data from over 17,000 leaders across the globe, the average age an individual… Read more »
Dr. Hogan to give a breakfast talk with Odgers Berndtson
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Dr. Hogan on Redefining Leadership
Reading Time: < 1 minute Although it is one of the most researched topics in the world, the academic study of leadership has failed to produce any applicable results.
The Chain of Screaming
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn season 3, episode 15, of the CBS sitcom “How I Met Your Mother,” one of the characters introduces the gang to a workplace phenomenon called the chain of screaming. I’ll let the video clip below do the heavy lifting, but it basically works like this: my boss’s boss screams at my boss, who in… Read more »
Ray Lewis Leads
Reading Time: 2 minutesThree days after the Super Bowl XLVII dust has settled, the Twittersphere is still buzzing with predictable comments, including Beyonce’s wardrobe choice, the funniest commercials, and what caused the 30-minute blackout. Not surprisingly, Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis was not excluded from popular trending topics. As many are aware, Lewis ended his NFL career on Sunday… Read more »
What is Leadership?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteGood leadership is critical for business success. Yet, few people agree on what constitutes good leadership. In this video, Dr. Robert Hogan outlines the four characteristics of good leaders.