Tag: leadership

Humility, Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness

*This article was originally published by Training Industry on May 1, 2018. One of the best studies ever conducted on organizational effectiveness was done by Jim Collins and described in his book “Good to Great.” Collins identified 11 firms from the Fortune 1000 that had 15 years of below-average performance in their industry followed by… Read more »

Change Management — How Are We Helping Leaders Change?


*This is a guest post authored by Rob Field, Learning and Development Director at Advanced People Strategies. We all heard it and probably all rolled our eyes to it…’The only constant is change’. With organisations needing to constantly adapt and evolve due to competitive forces, global challenges or political decisions how are leaders meant to… Read more »

Hogan to Speak at 2018 E-ATP Conference


Hogan Assessments Managing Director Ryan Ross, Manager of Client Research Kimberly Nei, and Managing Director of Europe Zsolt Feher will be featured speakers at the European Association of Test Publishers Conference on September 26-28 in Athens, Greece. In addition, Hogan will serve as a Gold Sponsor for the event. The three will speak on three… Read more »

What Goldilocks Can Teach Us About Charisma

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“This porridge is too hot!” “This porridge is too cold.” “Ahhh, this porridge is just right.” –Goldilocks At Hogan, we’ve been talking a lot about Humility lately. We’ve spent much less time talking about its antonym – Charisma. However, colleagues have used the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) to study charisma and recently published their findings… Read more »

Can You Handle Failure?


*This article, authored by Ben Dattner and Robert Hogan, was originally published in Harvard Business Review in 2011. It has been republished in the HBR 2018 Summer Issue.   In his brilliant 1950 film, Rashomon, the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa depicts the story of a rape and murder four times, from the perspectives of four characters. The… Read more »

A&D Resources to Host Event on Dealing with Poor Leadership


*This press release originally appeared on Business Wire on May 8, 2018. A&D Resources, an international consultancy company, operating with 15 years’ experience with assessment and development of individuals, teams and organisations, and an authorized Hogan Assessments distributor, will host an event featuring Dr. Robert Hogan, well known authority on personality and business psychology, at 2:30 p.m…. Read more »

Distributor Spotlight: IAssessment Overcomes Adversity to Thrive in Spain


The phrase “Fortune favors the bold” is appealing on the surface, especially to those who watch others take extraordinary risks without anything to lose themselves. And, in reality, often times fortune does NOT favor the bold, particularly when starting a new business. However, that did not deter our friends at IAssessment from launching their business… Read more »

Leadership and Humility


*This is a guest post authored by Rob Field, Learning and Development Director at Advanced People Strategies. Leadership… A pretty vast topic. The debates around effective leadership always evoke some pretty heated debate and numerous perspectives. We all have our stories of the successful and inspirational leaders we have worked for and with, the qualities… Read more »