Author: Hogan Assessments

Can a Great Boss Lead to Burnout?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteNobody likes a micromanaging boss. There are mountains of evidence that show micromanaging bosses are bad for employee engagement and office morale and productivity. In fact, when we asked 1,000 people to describe their worst boss, 48% said micromanaging.

2015 Hogan Workshops

Reading Time: < 1 minute  Even the most advanced assessment tools won’t do any good if you don’t know how to use them. Facilitated by seasoned professionals and tailored to an audience of executive coaches, HR directors or generalists, organizational development or training professionals, and industrial-organizational psychologists, Hogan’s workshops give participants the information they need to effectively administer, interpret,… Read more »

Coachable or Lost Cause?

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn a perfect world, good coaching would lead to good results. Every great American football coach would lead his team to a national championship, and every great executive coach would turn out world-class leaders. In the real world, however, no matter how talented a coach may be, the result of any coaching effort depends in… Read more »

Journey to the East

Reading Time: 2 minutesOperating in the country that features the second largest economy in the world (and the first in terms of purchasing power) brings with it a higher level of business development and delivery expectations. It has been a pleasure to witness our Greater China distributor Mobley Group Pacific, Ltd (MGP) along with their local Taiwan partner… Read more »

We’re Blinding You With Science

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHogan was founded on the idea that good science could make the workplace better. Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan spent four decades proving that personality predicts performance. Today, we’re still committed to that same spirit of innovation. Our research division, comprised of doctorate- and master-level industrial-organizational psychologists, is the largest group of dedicated researchers in… Read more »

Under Pressure

Reading Time: 2 minutesEasing back into work after the holidays is tough. From demanding bosses and pressing deadlines to mind-numbing monotony, the office is a stressful place. Reports show 60% of the global workforce is under the gun, with more than 80% of American workers reporting serious stress at work. That stress causes our blood pressure to rise,… Read more »

Putting People Into the Big Data Equation

Reading Time: 3 minutesOver the last few years we have witnessed the popular rise of Big Data. That is, organizations of all sizes and agendas are now looking to use large datasets to guide their strategies. Using data to grow and improve organizations makes complete sense as digital technology has permeated every corner of our society. The sheer… Read more »

Tomorrow! Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic to Serve as Keynote Speaker at BPS DOP Conference

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWill you be in the UK tomorrow? Visit world-renowned psychologist Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic who will serve as the keynote speaker at the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology Conference. WHO: Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Vice President of Research and Innovation at Hogan Assessment Systems WHAT: Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, hosted by The British… Read more »