Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen it comes to who we want to work for, everyone thinks they want the same thing: a charismatic leader whose engaging personality and sweeping oratory inspires his or her followers to greatness, like every coach in every sports movie ever made, ever. Including this one by Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday.
Author: Hogan Assessments
Engaging high potential employees – it’s not as simple as it sounds
Reading Time: 3 minutesCoaching high potential employees to find impact, challenge and meaningful relationships at work can help create stronger motivation, commitment, and retention. If identifying high potential employees is the most important talent management
Hogan Launches Innovative Global Training Program for 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutesHogan launched a new, innovative Global Learning Program for 2017 that aims to enable users to apply Hogan personality data toward solving real-world business problems.
Potential Is Not Performance
Reading Time: 3 minutesIdentifying and developing high potentials — employees ready to take the leadership reins when someone gets promoted, steps down, or gets fired — is the single greatest talent management challenge organizations face today. The problem is, most organizations are really, really bad at it. Practitioners rate themselves as effective at identifying high potentials only about… Read more »
Want to Learn More About High Potentials? We’ve Got You Covered.
Reading Time: 3 minutesLeading up to the launch of the Hogan High Potential Talent Report, our CEO, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, authored numerous articles addressing human potential and how to assess it. Writing for Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Forbes, and others, here’s a comprehensive list of Tomas’s articles on the subject.
Hogan Releases High Potential Talent Report
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe’re excited to announce the launch of the Hogan High Potential (HIPO) Talent Report, a new product that simplifies the way organizations evaluate and develop talented people. The comprehensive report makes it easier to make informed talent decisions, groom and develop employee leadership competencies, and achieve positive business outcomes.
NEW BOOK: Coaching the Dark Side of Personality
Reading Time: 2 minutesA Definitive Guide for Improving Leader Performance While the practice of strengths-based coaching remains popular in the global workplace, the new book Coaching the Dark Side of Personality sheds light on the toxic tendencies and behaviors that can derail the careers of today’s leaders. The book, authored by Hogan’s Dr. Rodney Warrenfeltz and Trish Kellett, offers the… Read more »
Hogan case study: The nice team that went nowhere
Reading Time: 2 minutesTeam performance depends on having a clear mission—a sense of purpose—and the right people to deliver it. In the face of widespread and systematic safety failures, including worker deaths, a large organization created a new health and safety team and gave it power and autonomy to identify and fix the problems and policies that were… Read more »
Three Talent Tech Tools to Help You with Your Career
Reading Time: 3 minutesContributed by Lewis Garrad on Mon, Dec 19, 2016 This article originally appeared at While so much media has been focused on how technology is going to automate jobs and replace us all with robots, much less attention is being given to the emerging Talent Tech industry. In fact, there is a good argument that… Read more »
Q&A: Know Your Crew
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn August, Know Your Crew and Hogan X formed a partnership to advance and revolutionize team building. In combining Know Your Crew’s platform that improves team dynamics with Hogan’s decades of research and team analytics, both organizations aim to maximize their strengths to improve the global workforce.