Why Freud Matters

Robert Hogan, PhD, our founder and president, explains why Freud matters to modern personality psychology using seven key ideas from Freudian theory.

Using AI to Interpret Hogan Scores

GPTs might be capable of interpreting personality assessment results, but they are often incorrect. Read our statement on why you shouldn’t use AI systems to interpret Hogan scores.

What the Dark Triad Misses

The Dark Triad refers to narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. But those aren’t all the dark-side personality characteristics. What are the others?

Hogan to Present at SIOP 2023

Hogan is heading to SIOP 2023, where many employees will present on the latest in industrial-organizational psychology and personality. Learn where to find us at the conference.

AI in Psychology

You can’t avoid AI in psychology, coaching, or consulting, but you can learn to partner with it. Find out how.